University of Wolverhampton Research Integrity Statement of Commitment
The University of Wolverhampton is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of its research activities and expects that all those involved with research at the University to maintain a similar commitment.
The University therefore expects everyone engaged in research to adhere to the very highest standards of research integrity and to conduct themselves and their research activities accordingly.
As an organisation conducting research and employing researchers, the University has a responsibility to demonstrate that appropriate mechanisms of ‘Research Integrity, Ethics and Governance’ are embedded in its practices.
The University Code of Good Research Practice and Ethics Policy are both aligned with the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity, whose five key commitments we share and wholly endorse:
- We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research;
- We are committed to ensuring that research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal, and professional frameworks, obligations, and standards;
- We are committed to supporting a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice, and support for the development of researchers;
- We are committed to using transparent, robust, and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise; and
- We are committed to working together to strengthen the integrity of research and to reviewing progress regularly and openly.
We all share the responsibility for understanding, upholding, and promoting research integrity and research excellence across the full spectrum of our research portfolio and research community.
The University seeks to conform to all applicable external research governance guidelines and codes of practice including those developed or adopted by major funding bodies.
The Concordat to Support Research Integrity
In 2012 Universities UK in collaboration with the funding and research councils, the Wellcome Trust and various government departments, published the Concordat to support research integrity and the five commitments set out the UK's commitment to maintaining high standards of rigour and integrity in its research. The Concordat was later revised and the current version was published on 25 October 2019.
All researchers at the University are expected to conduct research in accordance with the core elements of research integrity, namely honesty in all aspects of research, rigour in line with prevailing disciplinary standards and norms, transparency and open communication, and care and respect for all participants in and subjects of research.
Annual Statement on Research Integrity
The annual statement forms part of the University’s commitment to outline the work undertaken to further strengthen the integrity of the University’s research.
- Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2023-24 (Word doc 45k)
- Annual Statement on Research Integrity 2022-23 (Word doc 43k)
- Research Integrity Annual Statement 2021-22 (Word doc 36k)
- Research Integrity Annual Statement 2020-21 (Word doc 36k)
- Research Integrity Annual Statement 2019-20 (Word doc 32k)
- Research Integrity Annual Statement 2018-19 (Word doc 30k)
- Research Integrity Annual Statement 2017-18 (Word doc 28k)
Further Information and useful links
The University’s Code of Good Research Practice and the University Ethics Policy can be found on the ‘Research Policies, Procedures & Guidelines’ webpage
Research Integrity Contacts at Wolverhampton
The first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrity is the administrative lead, Research Integrity Manager - Miss Jill Morgan
The academic lead is the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Knowledge Exchange - Professor Prashant Pillai.
Faculty Research Integrity Leads:
- Faculty of Arts, Business & Social Sciences - Professor Vijay Reddy, Associate Dean (Research & KE)
- Faculty of Education, Health & Wellbeing - Dr Hilary Paniagua, Head of Doctoral Studies.
- Faculty of Science & Engineering (FSE) - Professor Tracy Warr, Associate Dean (Research & KE).
Anyone wishing to raise concerns regarding research being undertaken by the University may wish to contact the research integrity leads in the first instance.
Alternatively, the University of Wolverhampton has incorporated its policies and procedures for Anti-Bribery, Staff Interests, Fraud, and Whistleblowing into one Transparency Policy Please report any concerns to