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Grow a mo, raise some dough and save a bro!


Lee Hardwick, from WLV Sport is calling on mo people to get involved in this year’s Movember campaign to raise funds and awareness to support men’s health.

As you may already know, WLV Sport will each be growing a moustache in support of Movember again next month to raise funds and stop men dying too young – and this year, we want many more of you to join in and get involved!

Last year, our team had loads of fun and managed to raise over £1000 with our hairy efforts - not bad, huh? By the end of November, some of our team looked like they hadn’t taken part and had to draw a few stragglers on their top lips whereas others were the envy of the sports centre with their 70s inspired mos. The bonus in taking part during a pandemic is there’s no need to worry about hiding your mo when out and about as you’ll no doubt have a face mask to cover it up! 

This Movember, we want to up the ante and get as many people involved as we can. I’m looking at all of you - students and staff. Whether you’re a man or woman, anyone can get involved – raising funds and awareness for all the dads, brothers, sons, uncles, cousins, and mates in our lives.  

There are three ways to get involved and guess what? You don’t have to grow a moustache!

1. Grow a moustache – join our team and be a billboard for men’s health for 30 days
2. Move 60 kilometres – Commit to walking or running 60 kilometres over the month. That’s 60 kilometres for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour – the men who should still be here today. You can track your movement via the challenges on the Playwaze app
3. Host a mo-ment – Raise funds by doing what you already get a kick out of. Get your friends together for a mo-ment. 

As for us in WLV Sport, we’ll all be growing our mos again and moving 60 kilometres each. No matter what you choose to do for men’s health, we hope to have you on board.

Getting involved is the least we can do to support the men we love. They’re facing a global men’s health crisis that isn’t being talked about. From prostate cancer to testicular cancer, mental health and suicide, the men in our lives need our help.

We're all in this together. So, come on – give it a grow, have some fun and spread the word!

To sign up or donate visit:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need any mo grooming tips!

Yours in moustachery,
WLV Sport

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.