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CIDT releases Caribbean Development Bank impact story

CIDT releases Caribbean Development Bank impact story

The University’s Centre for International Development and Training (CIDT) has recently released an impact story which captures their work with the Caribbean Development Bank over an 18-month period between 2017 and 2019. 

During this timeframe, the CIDT delivered 2,300 hours of training in 19 Caribbean countries, helping to create a step change in results-oriented project management in the region, embedding skills for sustainability and rooting their strong partnership ethos and values across the Caribbean.

A large and diverse CIDT team, led by Project Manager Ella Haruna, kept the programme on track, from the complexities of travel and hospitality requirements, to the design and collation of training materials and in-person training and facilitation.

The full impact story can be read on the CIDT’s website.

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.