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Lecturer becomes Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts


Dr Lee Yarwood-Ross, a University of Wolverhampton lecturer in adult nursing, has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts in recognition for his work relating to social change.

On what the accolade meant to him, Dr Yarwood-Ross said: “Gaining RSA Fellowship means a great deal to me. In some respects, it continues to validate the work I have done in the field of military trauma.

“I think this is important to early career researchers as we can often lose sight of the impact our research.

“Becoming a Fellow of the RSA also means I am now part of a community that strives to realise change through building networks and collaboration. I am a naturally inquisitive person who strives to problem-solve, and it excited me that historically the RSA has tackled some of society’s greatest challenges.

“I feel deeply honoured to be a Fellow and believe in the philosophy that we are stronger together.

“I have felt welcome by the RSA from the moment I joined and have been encouraged to explore different avenues on offer to me, which are vast and inclusive.

“I would like to say thank you again to the veterans that I have worked with over the recent years. My research and Fellowship would not have been possible without their valued contribution.”

Dr Yarwood-Ross’s research includes projects on foot and leg ulcer care, negative pressure wound therapy, wound dressings and classic grounded theory methodology. Dr Yarwood-Ross’s PhD explored the impact of combat-related limb-loss on veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. He discovered a theory in which veterans engaged in a psychosocial process of facing losses by dealing with uncertainty, acceptance and finding meaning. 

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