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#DoOneThing - Natalie Sumner-Cole


Natalie Sumner-Cole, Senior Executive Officer, shares her #DoOneThing in celebration of World Mental Health Day.

The ‘one thing’ that I’ve done differently for the positive health benefits since March is I have started to walk my dog before work in the mornings. 

Previously this was a task I usually delegated to my partner! However, I have found that it has given me a boost in the mornings, physically and mentally, and has helped to get me out of the house and my head and into nature more often.

It’s amazing what great nature walks there are on your doorstep and it has been lovely to see the seasons changing as the months (and the pandemic) have progressed. Of course, my dog Zion rather likes this new policy too - I tend to take him for longer walks than my partner does!

Any University staff who wish to get involved and share their #DoOneThing story should email

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.