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Clock-watching when you should be studying?

Wulfruna clock 920

Are deadlines looming? Is time going too fast, or too slow? At this time of year when you’re busy (or should be) revising and taking exams, it’s easy to find yourself clock-watching. 

With everyone carrying the time on their phone, it can be easy to ignore the once-essential timepieces that adorn many of our buildings. But if you’ve ever left your phone (or expensive watch) at home, you can suddenly find yourself looking for timely inspiration.

So hands up: how many of these faces you do recognise?

1) If you’ve ever stepped inside the main reception in the Wufruna Building, you will have come face-to-face with this venerable timepiece (above).


2/3) This duo may have caught your eye if you’re interested in creativity and arts, gazing at the delicate work of jewellers, or if you simply love a bit of bling.
TA Henn clock 920    Rudell clock 920


4/5) Opposite T A Henns on King Street, you might stop to check if you’re running late with this roofed tower clock, or if you’ve indulged in some retail therapy on Dudley Street this shop-topping number may help you out.
Kin Street corner clock 920Clock off Dudley Street 920


6) Swear you recognise this clock, but don’t know where from? It was recently removed as part of the Metro Bank renovations on Dudley Street.
Herbert Brown clock 920


7/8) This beauty might mark your future place of employment if you’re studying on our BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism course. Or you might pass its slightly less glamourous sister clock off Castle Street on the way to the bus station.
E&S clock 920Express and Star clock 920


10) Speaking of bus travel. Let’s hope this clock keeps time… otherwise there may be an awful lot of angry passengers missing their buses! But our Travel Fund should help you keep your cool.
Bus station clock 920


10/11/12) Heading out of town? If you’re on the Number 1 bus towards Dudley, you’ll pass this trio of timepieces.

Waterloo Road clock 920Chapel Ash clock 920

Chapel Ash clock 920

Need some help to get you back into your studies? Check out our library opening times, resources and helpful guides online – or pop in and speak to a librarian in person for friendly, face-to-face advice.

How many did you recognise?

1) Clock in Wulfruna Building, off the foyer

2) T A Henns Jewellers, Darlington Street

3) Rudell Jewellers, Princess Street

4) Corner of King Street, Princes Street junction

5) Dudley Street, formerly above Select

6) Dudley Street, removed.

7) Express & Star offices, Queen Street

8) Express & Star walkway, Castle Yard

9) Wolverhampton Bus Station

10) Waterloo Road, junction with Darlington Street (Interiors Italia)

11) St Mark's, Chapel Ash

12) Chapel Ash, Bath Road, Tettenhall Road intersection

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.