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Sweet Home Arizona ...


Pia Gilland completed her second year as a LLB Law student at the University of Wolverhampton Law School this year. She has just completed a year-long placement in Northern Arizona University (NAU) in America through the University’s exchange scheme with a number of  European and American universities.

In this blog she reflects on her year and adjusting to being back in the UK.

After being back in the UK for nearly three weeks I can happily say my system has finally adjusted. The reality of being back from such an amazing experience is kicking in and I already want to go back.

The time I spent in Flagstaff, and travelling around America, are all experiences and memories I will always cherish. I've met incredible people, students in lectures, my roommates I lived with and the incredible lecturers.

It was upsetting to look back at all the photos and souvenirs I've collected throughout my time there, getting final grades back and saying goodbye to my apartment that I called home for nearly a year and my wonderful roommate Katrina.

A year abroad is an experience I would encourage anyone to undertake.

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