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Living in America


Pia Gilland completed her second year as a LLB Law student at the University of Wolverhampton Law School this year. She is currently undertaking a year-long placement in Northern Arizona University (NAU) in America through the University’s exchange scheme with a number  of  European and American universities.

In this blog she reflects on her first semester in America and looks ahead to making the most of the next few months.

I finally feel like I have fully settled into the American College life whilst still finding time to explore the USA. Multiple choice exams, class discussions and attendance points all came together to create final grades for the first semester and all looks promising.

Having explored out of Arizona for the American Grand Prix in Texas, my adventures with Eve have continued with a weekend trip to New York City (on a student budget). With the hustle and bustle of Times Square and the tranquillity of Central Park it was all together an incredible experience.

After a wonderful Christmas break back in the UK I've been back in Flagstaff for just over a week now, classes have already started and I'm sure I'll be busy with assignments again soon. 

As last semester introduced me to exploring out of state, Eve and I are planning on using our time out for Spring Break to explore LA, California's beaches and San Francisco. But for now it is inches of snow and bitterly cold winds at 8am for me. 

Knowing how fast a semester can go I hope to make the most of my last few months here before coming back to the reality of my final year. 

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