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Calling the Clearing hotline: a step-by-step guide


So, you’ve got your results and the time has come to pick up the phone and talk to us about applying for a place in Clearing. First of all: don’t panic! We understand you might be nervous but our hotline team are here to help and we’ll make the conversation as easy as we possibly can.

Our step-by-step guide will help you to prepare ahead of calling us. If you’re feeling daunted, then don’t – follow these steps and you’ll get through the call with ease and be that much closer to securing your place. Pick up the phone and call us on the Clearing hotline: 01902 51 85 85.

1. Be ready as you'll ever be

The Clearing hotline team will be guiding you through what is essentially the telephone equivalent of an online form. You’ll be asked a series of questions, so it’ll be useful if you have certain details ready and close to hand so you don’t have to stress and start searching for info while you’re on the phone.

Details you’ll be asked for on the call include:

  • personal information including name, UCAS ID (if applicable), contact details, etc.
  • A-Level/BTEC results, GCSE results and other relevant qualifications
  • the course you are interested in applying for
  • if you’re a UK/EU or international (non-UK/EU) student.

Make sure the environment is quiet and free from distractions, that you have a pen and paper close-by if you need to take down any important information, and don’t forget to charge your phone overnight!

2. Call the Clearing hotline team

01902 51 85 85 is the number you need. It’s hard to miss on the website but perhaps save it on your phone ready for results day in case of a finger slip!

You’ll be put through to a member of our friendly hotline team, who will take you through a series of questions which should take no time at all to get through if you have all the information above. Your eligibility for the course will be checked and you may even be offered a course there on the spot – not to worry if not, though, as next step is to speak to the Faculty…

3. Chat to the course experts

Our Faculty teams will be able to advise you if more information is needed or we need to ask a few more questions about your qualifications – and you may even end up speaking to our academics. There may be other steps to take before an offer can be made, such as an interview or portfolio review, or other course options may be discussed.

Don’t forget: you can ask questions, too! So if there is anything you’re unsure about or that you want to know about the course, then ask away.

4. Put the phone down – what next?

Following the offer of a place on the phone, you will receive an email covering next steps that you need to take to secure your offer. For example, if you’re calling on results day (Thursday 15th August) and applied through UCAS, you’ll need to add us as your Clearing choice via UCAS track from 3pm on the day.

If you’ve been made an offer on a course you will have also been asked if you’d like to attend our upcoming Open Day, but we’d love to see you there whatever your circumstances. It’ll be the perfect opportunity to start the admissions/enrolment process, speak to academics, arrange your accommodation and more.

5. Speak to us on social media

We hope we’ve eased your nerves about picking up the phone and talking to us during Clearing. However, if you want to find out more without calling or the lines are busy (we’ll try our best to speak to everyone, but on results day there may be short queues), then get online.

Head over to FacebookTwitter or Instagram and send us a direct message – or on Facebook and the website itself, you’ll be able to drop us a message through our online chatbot too. We’ll be able to help you out from there, including potentially making you an offer through your chosen platform.

Find out more about Clearing and hear from students who lived to tell the tale. We hope to hear from you!

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.