Advice for A-Level Results Day
By Dr Derek Walton, Head of Student Recruitment at the University of Wolverhampton
A-Level results day can be a time of mixed emotions – often the images in the media portray smiling students ‘jumping for joy’ or opening envelopes, getting the grades they hoped for and heading off into the sunset. Rarely do we see people looking disappointed or confused, feeling under pressure and panicking, really not sure where to turn.
The nature of what is known as ‘Clearing’ has changed in recent years, and now students can use this period to change their mind about a course or university, or to seek a place somewhere they might not have chosen as one of their final two choices. It can also be a valuable helping hand for students who have missed the grades for their original choice, but still have the enthusiasm to succeed.
So here is some advice to applicants from the University of Wolverhampton …
- First of all, if you do not hold any offers of a place then you can check with the university whether there are places available on the course that interests you. You can call the University of Wolverhampton on 01902 518585 or visit the website: www.wlv.ac.uk/clearing
- If you achieve higher or lower grades in your A-Levels than you expected, you have a number of options to choose from. In either case, you should remain calm and be focused on what you want.
- It’s important to remind yourself what your priorities are. Is there a particular university where you want to be based or a specific course that you want to study? If so, remember that these are your priorities and you need to take actions to achieve them.
- If your grades are lower than expected, it might still be possible to get a place on your first choice university and course. Make contact with the university and speak to the Admissions Tutor for the course you want, explain your circumstances and why you still want to join the course. You will need to show knowledge of the course and evidence of your commitment.
- If you cannot secure a place on your first choice course, consider other courses at that university which have a link with your first choice subject, but where the entry grades are lower. You might be able to transfer to your first choice course at a later date, although there is no guarantee. Alternatively, you could consider the same course at a university which still has places available or you could explore Foundation, HNC and HND which have lower entry requirements, but will enable you to progress onto your degree course at a later date.
- In the case where your grades are higher and you have made application through UCAS, you can seek an alternative university or course by making an ‘adjustment’. You will need to follow UCAS guidance. However, it is important to remember that you must have met and exceeded your firm offer if you want to seek adjustment through UCAS.
- There are plenty of good quality courses available through Clearing, but do not delay in making a considered choice because there is competition for places. Remember your priorities and ensure that you join the course that is right for you.
- In all cases, you will need your UCAS website password and UCAS Personal ID number. You will also need access to a phone, paper and pen, preferably access to the internet and a quiet place to negotiate. Your school or college may have made arrangements for advice and guidance during this period, but feel free to contact the University of Wolverhampton.
At the University of Wolverhampton, we pride ourselves on being the University of Opportunity. We want students to find the place, level and course that is right for them. You can call us on 01902 518585, visit the website: www.wlv.ac.uk/clearing or alternatively call in at The George on Wulfruna Street to talk to one of our award-winning team.
You can have all the talent in the world, but unless someone gives you the opportunity to show it, it might go to waste. We provide you with the opportunities.
- Anyone applying for a course through clearing can visit the University of Wolverhampton’s dedicated website to register their interest and arrange a phone call on results day, Thursday, 17 August 2017.
- The University’s Clearing hotline is on 01902 518585, or contact via social media channels Twitter @wlv_uni or Facebook/uniwolverhampton. Visit the University’s next Open Day on Saturday, 19 August 2017 for more information.
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