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University cited as third best in England for social mobility

University cited as third best in England for social mobility

The University of Wolverhampton has once again been listed in the top ten universities for social mobility – this year rising five places to third out of 101 universities across England.  

The English Social Mobility Index which is compiled by London South Bank University (LSBU) and published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), compares the performance of individual English higher education providers.  

The Index measures the social distance travelled by graduates from each institution as well as the proportion of graduates transported. It combines access, continuation and outcomes measures for undergraduates for all modes of study except apprenticeships.  

The Index challenges the often-made assumption that only particular kinds of universities make a substantial impact on social mobility, highlighting that, in the context of their individual missions, all types of institution – from research intensives to modern technical universities – can, and do, make a substantial contribution to social mobility.  

The index outlines that the current focus on judging universities by the salaries of their graduates fails to take into account individuals’ personal circumstances and how far they have travelled.  

Improvements have been made to the methodology of the index each year since its inception. In the 2024 iteration, graduate salaries have been weighted by region to account for salary differences across the country. 

Professor Ebrahim Adia, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Wolverhampton, said: 

“Our Strategy 2035 reaffirms our identity as a civic institution powered by our sense of place and connections to our local and global communities.  It also commits us to undertaking a leading role in delivering a more inclusive, productive and sustainable society.  

“As the University of Opportunity it is very encouraging to see our efforts and approach validated in this year’s publication of the HEPI Social Index where we have climbed a further 5 places in the ranking to 3rd in England.  Working collaboratively with our partners and our communities we will continue the pursuit of delivering positive outcomes for all of our students, including those who are most disadvantaged.”  

Professor David Phoenix, Vice-Chancellor of LSBU, who compiles the Index for HEPI, said: 

“The 2024 English Higher Education Social Mobility Index highlights once again that universities up and down the country are breaking down barriers to opportunity. The new Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Phillipson MP, has been clear that she expects higher education providers to play a stronger role in expanding and improving outcomes for disadvantaged students. I hope, therefore, that the Index provides a useful for tool for universities across the sector.  

“Institutions making a strong impact on social mobility can use it to evidence their contribution while those universities that wish to increase their support for disadvantaged students can use it help identify good practice and to work out the most appropriate way of doing so in accordance with their institutional mission.” 

A full explanation of the Survey is provided in the full-length report produced when the Index began in 2021, which is available here. Last year’s results are still available here.  

For more information about courses at the University of Wolverhampton check out the website or visit one of our forthcoming Open Days.  

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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