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Elevate your studies with a new MacBook Air!

Santander MacBook Air promotion graphic

University of Wolverhampton students, are you ready to make a positive start to the new year? We’ve got something special to help with this… a new tech prize draw from Santander Universities. This time they’re giving away 10 MacBook Air laptops to help students succeed in their studies.

This is the first of several Prize Draws that Santander will be running throughout the year, which aim to give students the items and funds they need the most. To enter, visit the Santander Open Academy platform and register a free account (if you don’t already have one). Then confirm your email. After this you can submit your application.

The process is quick and easy, and takes just a few minutes. All university students can enter. Including undergraduates, postgraduates, part-time and full-time students. You also don’t need to bank with Santander to get involved.

Spread the word, share with your friends, and get your entries in!

Enter by 11pm on 29 February 2024 for your chance to enhance your academic journey.

Enter Now

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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