Open Access Week is coming!
This year’s International Open Access Week takes place from 21st-27th October. The theme continues with last year’s focus on “Community over Commercialization” and the need to prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.
There are many events taking place and we’ve listed a selection here. As some require registration in advance of Open Access Week itself, we wanted to let you know about them now so you don’t miss out.
Open and Engaged 2024: Empowering Communities to Thrive in Open Scholarship
Monday 21st October, 10am-5pm
The British Library is hosting its Open and Engaged conference on 21st October supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Research Libraries UK (RLUK). The conference will focus on practices within research libraries both in higher education and GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) sectors as well as the national and public libraries.
Talks will focus on leveraging the power of communities in the axis of open scholarship, open infrastructure, emerging technologies, collections as data, equity and integrity, skills development and sustainable models to elevate research of all kinds for the public good. This is a hybrid event. Registration for in-persona attendance has closed but registration for online attendance is open until Thursday 17th October.
Further information including how to register can be found here:
What’s in store for social sciences publishing? — An LSE Press symposium
Monday 21st October, 3-7pm. LSE Library, London
LSE's dedicated publisher, LSE Press will be holding a free and public symposium geared towards prospective authors and those interested in Open Access publishing. This in-person symposium seeks to share knowledge on social sciences publishing processes with early career researchers and authors, as well as spotlighting Open Access innovations, and enabling networking between researchers and publishing professionals.
Booking via Eventbrite can be found here:
Beyond open access: Democratising knowledge through accessible outputs
Wednesday 23rd October, 12 - 1pm
In this Open Research Conversation at the University of Sheffield, three speakers from the university’s research community will talk about how they have gone beyond merely making their research publications open, instead pursuing the open dissemination of research in ways that are genuinely accessible beyond the university or research institute. Conversations will reflect on the importance of outputs including blog posts, animations and podcasts in the open communication of research.
You can find out more and reserve a place here:
EOSC Symposium 2024
Monday 21st-Wednesday 23rd October
The European Open Science Cloud’s 2024 symposium is composed of 26 thought-provoking sessions on topics that define Open Science and lie at the heart of the successful deployment of EOSC. Registration for on-site attendance in Berlin have closed but it is possible to register to watch a live-stream of the event here:
Registrations close on 14th October.
To find out more, take a look at the teaser videos for some of the sessions, which can be found here:
Multimedia content and third-party rights: The beauty and complexity of open science in art, design and music
Tuesday 22nd October, 4-5pm
Researchers from the Institute of Design of SUPSI University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland talk about research data and best practice in the arts and humanities. The presentation is based on the results of the project Open Science for Arts, Design and Music (OS-ADM), co-funded by swissuniversities and led by SUPSI.
Further information and a Zoom link can be found here:
Sarah Dar, Scholarly Communications Officer
For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.