Academic Skills for Students

The Skills for Learning team is made up of 7 Skills Librarians, trained in supporting general assignment skills such as academic writing and referencing. Many of our team are certified members of the Higher Education Academy.

Why work with us? Our offer can be used to complement your teaching. We understand that teaching staff have a number of priorities to juggle, and aren’t always able to focus on the ‘bread and butter’ of academic skills. Feedback for our support is consistently positive and we have many colleagues across the university who we work with year-on-year.  

What we offer: The majority of our work is done in lectures. We are more than happy to join you during teaching hours and supplement your module, in what we call ‘embedded’ sessions.  These can be pitched at a level appropriate for your students – whether Level 3 or 7, we can adapt our teaching.

Key topics 

Specific skills 

Finding Academic Information 

Research strategies 

+ Using databases effectively 

+ Understanding the importance of academic sources 


+ Structuring your references 

+ Managing in-text citations 

Academic Writing 

+ Using appropriate academic language 

+ Structuring an assignment 

+ Understanding and fully answering a question 

Critical Thinking 

+ Analysing sources of information 

+ Considering different aspects of a topic 

+ Using ‘your voice’ in an academic argument 

 topics we support: 

- Digital skills (Microsoft Office, online learning etc.)

Reflective writing 

- Structuring a report 

- Presentation skills 

- Writing a case study 

- Exam skills and time management

Do you want support with another topic? Get in touch (contact details below)

We’re here to help – Every assignment is slightly different, and we are in a better position to support your students if we discuss your assessment criteria and your own requirements beforehand. We can discuss over email or phone, just get in touch. 

Contact the Skills for Learning team here.

Joe Carey, Skills Manager: 

For more details on the Skills for Learning service, head to our webpage.