Advertising Guidance
The University of Wolverhampton uses a number of different platforms to advertise its opportunities. This ensures that as many potential suppliers as possible can find out about opportunities to do business with the University.
This is the University’s eTendering Portal. Please register and complete your Profile to ensure you don’t miss out. You can access all University Opportunities from the landing page in addition to pan-government opportunities with establishments who use the BravoSolution portal.
To identify the University and wider public sector opportunities, register on Contracts Finder. There includes a facility where suppliers can set up email alerts to be notified of contract opportunities relevant to your business interest.
The University advertises its opportunities as it’s a great way to engage with local businesses. Registering with Find it in the Black Country gives you instant access to local contracts, suppliers, businesses and their opportunities. Once you have registered you can complete your profile to ensure you get sent relevant opportunities and support.
Opportunities are also tweeted. Don’t forget to follow us @WLVProcurement, so you never miss out on an opportunity!
For tenders over the Public Sector thresholds where a formal tender is required, and the University are not using an existing Framework, opportunities are advertised on Find a Tender Service